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Kroger Logo Review

Updated: May 8, 2021

Kroger Logo, Old Vs New

Kroger is an American grocery store that started from humble beginnings in Cincinnati, Ohio 1883 and has now become one of the largest grocers in the United States. They’ve come a long way from 1883 and built an incredible brand. It’s interesting to see how little their logo has changed for a company that has grown so significantly. Personally, I like their mascot Toppie the elephant they had in their back in the 40’s and 50’s. The updated logo seems to be taking a friendly approach to the brand. Similar to the Amazon smile or the tilted "e" in Heineken.

The O and the G are looking more like a smiley face then the previous iteration. This logo looks happy. They’ve also added the tagline “Fresh for Everyone” . We must make note of this choice as they wanted that message on all of their packaging. The company’s mission is to end hunger and eliminate waste. This goes hand in hand with providing fresh food to everyone. However, it's interesting the choice not put their mission statement on the logo instead.


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